ACFC Membership & Benefits

  • Exclusive Member Discounts

ACFC plans to offer exclusive membership discounts, thanks to strategic partnerships with corporate sponsors, individual and group donors, and other supporters of ACFC. Our plan is for these to include discounts when purchasing food, as well as special prices for professional services and consumer goods like electronics, home furnishings, clothing, and other items.

  • Grocery Stores and Restaurants

Rather than burdening members with additional supermarket “advantage cards,” ACFC will ask participating grocers to add the money-saving member benefits to their existing store cards. We will also request that members be given coupons for discounted or free items at participating restaurants. These coupons will be available online for our members to download directly.

  • ACFC Affordable Housing Program

Recognizing the urgent need for housing assistance, ACFC intends to offer its members special programs for more affordable leasing terms, purchases of homes, as well as home financing to help make home ownership easier to achieve. Additionally, we plan to buy and fix up distressed properties and to acquire mobile home parks and upgrade them into modular homes so that we will eventually have a nationwide inventory of housing options our members can lease or buy.

  • Career Training

ACFC also plants to offer youths the opportunity to collaborate with professionals and obtain marketable industry skills, even if they have no previous experience. The training programs will cover fields including construction, sanitation, lawn care, culinary arts, and customer service. Young people who participate will be paid an hourly wage, and upon completion of their training will receive a certificate they can share with potential employers. 

  • Youth Talent Development Center

ACFC recognizes that each young person has unique gifts and talents. To nurture those, we want to create a state-of-the-art facility to nurture their talent with help from professionals in the arts and entertainment industry. We plan to offer the following programs, at no cost to participants in the programs which will include training and coaching in dance, music, film and photography, theater, and other arts – as well as studio engineering, computer and software training, and entertainment business training. Members of the entertainment facility will have the opportunity to showcase their talent to the community each month, and revenues generated by performances can help to sustain and expand the youth programs.


  • Other ACFC Plans

ACFC also plans to develop programs to provide its members with legal, financial, and credit counseling; healthcare, childcare, and affordable housing support; career training, academic scholarships, and much more.

Sign Up to Become an ACFC Member

Join the ACFC today and enjoy your full membership perks and benefits, plus the priceless reward of knowing you are helping to Make American Communities Beautiful.